Vessel Code
We offer skipper training for all vessels < 9 metres (recreation and commercial), > 9 metres but < 100GT (recreational ceritification only) and > 9 metres but < 25GT (Commercial) for all categories of certification:
Category R (protected waters) (Self study and lecture based):
Category E (up to one nautical mile offshore) (Self study and lecture based):
Category C (up to 15 nautical miles offshore) (Lecture based)
Category B (up to 40 nautical miles offshore) (Lecture based)
Category B Coastal Skipper (up to 40 nautical miles offshore, day and night) (Lecture based)
The following Certificate of Competence endorsements can also be issued:
Dive Skipper (anyone wanting to operate a vessel engaged in diving operations)
Surf Launching
Course Pricing: Be sure to check our Facebook page for specials.
Our course covers the following topics and runs according the the SAMSA Code for Small Power Driven Vessels:
IALA Marine Buoyage System
Lateral Marks, Cardinal Marks, Isolated Danger Mark, Safe Water Mark, Special Mark, New Danger Mark
Legal Requirements as per The Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations of 2007
Categories of vessel and Certificates of Competency
Purpose of voyage details
Local General Safety Certificate and Certificate of Fitness
Vessel limitations
The purpose of a proper lookout
Documentation to be carried on all vessels at all times
Launching and beaching regulations
Vessel colouring and markings
General Seamanship
Safety appliances and equipment requirements
Nautical terminology
The purpose of built-in buoyancy
Ropes and knots
Operating vessels in different sea states
A skipper's responsibility and duty
Emergency steering
Collisions and running aground
Mooring procedures
Outboard Power Units
Controls and kill switch
Fault finding
Manoeuvring with single and twin motors
Safety and Emergencies
Deck draining
Fire drills
Weather anticipation
International nautical flags
Man overboard procedures
Rules of the Road and Distress Signals as per International Regulations for the Preventing of Collisions at Sea, 1972
Rules 1 to 18: Steering and sailing rules
Rules 20 - 22: Lights
Rules 24 - 30: Day shapes
Rules 32 - 35: Sound signals
Distress signals
Marine Environment and Meteorology
Synoptic charts
High and low pressures
Cold and warm fronts
Wind direction
Weather forecasts and reports
Beaufort wind scale
Waves and swell
Navigation and Pilotage
Chart datum
Chart features
Notice to mariners
Vessel traffic seperation systems
Making safe passage
Global positioning systems
Marine compass
Variation and deviation
All our skipper exams, irrelevant of category, meet SAMSAs stringent standards including theory, oral and practical components. On successful completion of your examination you will be issued with a SAMSA Certificate of Competence.
Course Prices
Extension of Skipper Certificates
We offer all the practical training requirements for all skipper certifications on our 5,7 metre RIB with centre consule. The vessel is also available for charters. Please contact us with your requirements for a detailed quote.

We at Marine Training & Consulting support responsible skippering when approaching marine animals. Please stick to the international guidelines, otherwise rather do not approach. Don't chase or harass the animals. Their safety is our concern.